Our planet is experiencing more intense heat, bigger storms, longer droughts, increased flooding, raging wildfires, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels. And yes, man-made greenhouse gases are causing our climate to change.
That's why the Saugerties Town Board took these actions:
Meeting Day Change
The February regularly scheduled meeting date has been changed to Monday, February, 17 at the regularlly scheduled time, 5:00 pm. The link to join the meeting is under Events.
Climate Smart Task Force Hosts Repair Cafe
Eight-one people attended the Repair Café on February 1 at the Saugerties Frank D. Greco Senior Center eager to have an item fixed, free of charge, by one of the 13 volunteer “fixers” on hand to do repairs. Items repaired included electrical, mechanical and wood items, sewing machines, clothing, jewelry and computers. A total of 90 items were successfully repaired. Thirty-five were unable to be fixed.
Future Repair Cafes are scheduled in Saugerties at the Frank D. Greco Senior Center 207 Main Street for June 7 and October 4 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Volunteers to help with repairs are always needed. Interested in volunteering? Email rcsaugerties@gmail.com
Repair Café is a project of the Saugerties Climate Smart Task Force and an action of the NYS Climate Smart Communities program
By working together — Town government, residents, and business owners — we can reduce greenhouse gas emmissions while building our local economy, and be part of the solution to the climate crisis. Here are some suggestions:
There is an immediacy to this threat that requires all of us to be proactive and take responsibility for our little corner of the world as we work to further reduce our municipal greenhouse gas emissions and develop additional mitigation policies to address current and future impacts.
Our town's Climate Smart Saugerties task force is a perfect example of how volunteer efforts are bringing us closer to an energy sustainable future. The work of the task force couldn't be more important.”