The Town of Saugerties is Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Saugerties' commitment to energy reduction was evident almost twenty years ago. In 2002, when renovating the Kiwanis Ice Arena, the town incorporated the most
energy efficient and cost-effective design at the time. During the past two decades, we have witnessed the town's continued commitment to adopt energy-efficient measures, reduce energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Here are some examples:
- The Town Board created a Green Energy Task Force in 2008 that successfully assisted the town in reducing its energy use.
- When expanding the Town Hall, the task force worked with the assistance of a green architect who specializes in environmental and green design. The process resulted in high efficiency in-floor radiant heating, programmable thermostats and vapor barriers being installed.
- More than ten years ago, the town government authorized an energy audit for the Greco Senior Center resulting in the replacement of the old boilers and their associated components.
- A Rain Garden was created at the Greco Senior Center parking area to capture rain water and reduce flooding.
- What's referred to as the Old Town Hall also received an energy audit more than ten years ago and many energy-efficient recommendations were implemented.
- In 2010, the Town utilized a Central Hudson grant program and replaced most of its older municipal lighting fixtures with energy efficient lights at no cost to taxpayers. The Town saved approximately $27,400 annually in electricity costs, reduced its annual municipal electricity usage by 195,804 kWh and its carbon dioxide emissions by almost 163,000 pounds.
The result of these past efforts was reduced energy usage, reduced energy costs and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
In more recent years:
- Saugerties is working with East Light Solar of Boston to undertake a two megawatt community solar project at the former town landfill. Completion of the solar farm is expected in 2019.
- A Climate Action Plan for government operations was approved by the town board on May 15, 2019. This plan details goals and actions to save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from town operations.
- A Greenhouse Gas Inventory was completed in 2018 for all town operations.
- The Town Board fully supported a Solarize Saugerties Campaign resulting is 66 residences receiving roof top solar panels.
- Roof top solar panels were installed at the Greco Senior Center as a donation by Direct Energy Solar, an installer that participated in the Solarize Saugerties Campaign.
- The Town Board amended the town zoning ordinance in 2017 to provide for large-scale solar projects. The ordinance ensures that the Town Planning Board pays careful attention to impacts on agriculture, view sheds, and forest cover in siting such projects. Saugerties was one of five communities cited by Governor Andrew Cuomo in early 2018 to host a 20-megawatt wholesale energy solar farm.
- Saugerties installed its first Electric Vehicle charging station at the Kiwanis Ice Arena in 2017
and now has a total of four charging stations free for use within the town — Kiwanis Ice Arena, Cantine Sports Complex, Greco Senior Center, Saugerties Public Library.
- Saugerties has completed energy audits in 2019 to determine future ways to reduce energy use and effect cost savings. The audits included: the Greco Senior Center, the Kiwanis Ice Arena, the Town Hall and the Glasco Wastewater Treatment Facility. A planned replacement of the Ice Arena will include major energy upgrades for the arena itself and its support buildings.
- December 2020 - The Town of Saugerties reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 20.3% in 2020 compared to 2017, the baseline year.
- August 2021 - The Town of Saugerties completed the requirements of the Clean Energy Communities program and was awarded a $10,000 state grant.
Saugerties is among only four towns in Ulster County to achieve the designation.
- In 2022 the Town of Saugerties was awarded a $5,000 grant by NYSERDA to purchase energy efficient appliances at the Senior Center
- In 2022 The NYS Urban Forestry Council funded approximately $1,000 for tree planting at Cantine Field.
- 2023
- Saugerties rejoined CCA whereby all eligible residents and small-commercial electricity customers have the opportunity to obtain renewable energy at a fixed price.
- As a designated Clean Energy Community, the town completed nine high-impact actions, was awarded a $10,000 grant to convert lighting at Town Hall to LED, and a $5,000 grant to purchase energy-efficient appliance for the kitchen at the Greco Senior Center.
- 2024
- The Town of Saugerties was recertified a Climate Smart Community at the Bronze level.
- Repair Café came to Saugerties.
Now, the task is to further reduce energy use, reduce energy cost and reduce greenhouse emissions. Here's what you can do.